As many or indeed most computer devices these days – laptops, tablets, smartphones etc – have no CD trays on them, I have come to the conclusion that the way I offer the full set of Bull Terrier Monthly will have to be updated from its current CD format.
I’ve not made a conclusive decision just yet, but my thoughts are that I will offer all 120 issues as separate downloads, whereby issues can be purchased individually as and when suits, rather than having to buy the whole set at once. In addition to that I may also offer the full set on a branded USB drive instead of the CD, as USB ports are far more common than disk drives.
So from now on the BTM Complete History CD product is no longer available and I’ll look to redesign this website to make the 120 issues available in their new format at a later date.
If you would still like to get the full 120 issue set on a CD or USB stick in the meantime, then I could still produce that myself. However, these will just be put onto blank CD’s or USB’s, there would be no branding, no artwork, no fancy cases and suchlike. Of course these would also be significantly cheaper than what the professionally produced CD product was previously available for. Ultimately the content itself would be exactly the same, just not the packaging.
If you’re interested just pop me a message via the Contact Page and I’ll get back to you with further details…
Many thanks for your co-operation.
Paul Johnstone – Bull Terrier Monthly