The Bull Terrier Club recently announced the animals that they have invited to compete for their Annual Trophies. If you haven’t already seen the list or been notified of the list of competitors, they are as stated below.
They will of course prompt a debate amongst the breed followers as they do every single year, but as is also the case each year it is an achievement in itself to get an invitation and it is always an exceptionally strong field of competitors. Many congratulations therefore to all concerned and very best of fortune to every dog who takes part on the day…
The Regent Trophy
Bilboen Xavier
Ch. Bullyon Unmeasureabull
Ch. Gorbain Hellboy
Irazistabull Star Of Hades
Ukusa Quagmire
Ch. Bullyon Imeasureabull Ness
Ch. Bullyview Gansta’s Girl
Bullyview Sweet Memories
Emred Hells Angel At Firecommand
Spartiate Pandora
Dog Reserve: Chardaice Dillinger
Bitch Reserve: Kamara Rumour Has It
The Ormandy Jug for Dogs
Bilboen Xavier
Ch. Bullyon Unmeasureabull
Ch. Emred Devils Spy
Ch. Gorbain Hellboy
Hentarw Welsh Warrior From Penpych
Irazistabull Star Of Hades
Taylajay Dream A Lie At Megaville
Ukusa Quagmire
1st Reserve: Chardaice Dillinger
2nd Reserve: Ch. Charlishalee Drumbeat
The Ormandy Jug for Bitches
Ch. Bilboen X-Rated
Ch. Bullyon Imeasurabull Ness
Ch. Bullyview Gansta’s Girl
Bullyview Sweet Memories
Ch. C’est La Vie Into Megaville
Emred Hells Angel At Firecommand
Fortifer Flammeta
Teirwgwyn Miss Independent At Meilow
Tulsadoom Terry’s All Gold
Spartiate Pandora
1st Reserve: Ir & UK Ch. Debully Devine Visions At Barbulls
2nd Reserve: Vetsbullies Happiness
The Sandawana Trophy
Badlesmere Bertie’s Brother
Bilboen Xavier
Chardaice Dillinger
Irazistabull Star Of Hades
Louka Gone Racin’
Ch. Padhen Hitman
Ch. Bilboen X-Rated
Fortifier Flammeta
Romagna Drama Queen
Spartiate Pandora
Teirwygwyn Miss Independent Of Meilow
Vetsbullies Happiness
Dog Reserve: Busells Red Knight Rising
Bitch Reserve: Padhen Pearls Princess