Bull Terrier Clinical Studies Fund

There are many documents to download from this site, but if you were only to download one more then I’d urge it to be this latest one. Show reports and critiques and so on might be quite useful at times, but this one is actually important – it will explain how you could help improve the health for those that really matter … the dogs themselves!

Basically it’s all about providing the Animal Health Trust with blood and/or DNA samples from as many Bull Terriers as possible, so that they can work on finding a way to eliminate the dreaded kidney problems that the breed suffers from.

As someone who has previously lost a loved pet due to kidney failure, I have firsthand experience of how devastating it can be – it is absolutely heartbreaking – and of course it’s a million times worse for the dog concerned. Anyone who has ever been in the same situation – which unfortunately is many – would I’m sure agree that they would never wish to see any other dog suffer from it.

  • So here is an opportunity to do something about it, to help the Animal Health Trust and in doing so help these lovely animals who give us so much joy – it’s time we did something for them…

Usually with these documents I add, I say you can download if it sounds like something you’d be interested in. This time I’m urging you to download it and to circulate it as far and as wide within the breeds followers as possible – send it everywhere, put it on message boards, link to it, ‘like’ it – ‘tweet’ it, print copies and hand them out at shows etc … anything you can think of really. The AHT are willing to help us here but they can’t do much without samples to work with, so please do your bit to help.

The first step is just to download the document and read it, even if it doesn’t apply to you if you have no dogs yourself, you could still circulate it to others who have. Downloading is as easy as it gets – right-click on the link below and select either ‘Save Target As’ or ‘Save Link As’, this will depend on which Internet browser you use. In either case you will need to specify where you’d like to download the file to (Desktop, My Documents etc) – and then finally once you’ve done that you simply click the ‘Save’ button. It’s a fairly small file so it should be with you at your end in good time, literally seconds in most cases.

[membership_download_item_pdf link=”https://www.bullterriermonthly.com/downloads/various/btclinicalstudiesfund.pdf” + target=”_self”]Bull Terrier Clinical Studies Fund Document[/membership_download_item_pdf]

One last thing, huge credit must go to the lady who got the ball rolling on much of this quest, – Terry Heath. Those who have been around a while like myself may associate Terry with the Holloville Bull Terrier name up in Scotland, but because of the steps taken by her the breed will surely have a much better outlook health wise in the years to come – well done Terry, you’re doing an incredible job.