This is more like it isn’t it, a monthly show winners report just a few days after the month concerned has finished – hopefully I’ll be able to stick to a similar schedule in the future?
I’m referring of course to the Bull Terrier Show Winners of February 2013, a month in which the regional Club Shows are introduced to the season. As for that Trophy Show thingy that took place near the end of the month, I thought I’d leave it out of the monthly report… Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat I hear you say, you can’t do that – well I can, and the reason I am is because I’ll be devoting a whole report to it in the very near future!!
That should be the next content I add to the site, but this February report is available to download immediately should you wish to have your own copy. To do that all you need to do is go to the link below, right-click on it and select ‘Save Target As’ or ‘Save Link As’ (depending on which browser you use). You then need to choose a location on your PC where you’d like to download the document to, and once you’ve done that simply press the ‘Save’ button. It’s not the biggest file in the world, all being well it should be with you in less than a minute.
When you do get it you are very welcome to share it with others, indeed I encourage it as it helps me promote BTM far and wide – so don’t hold back if you know of others who you feel would also like to see it. If you’re on the Social Media sites, the buttons above and below this post can also be used to spread news of this file.
[membership_download_item_pdf link=”” + target=”_self”]Bull Terrier Show Winners – February 2013[/membership_download_item_pdf]