In addition to the Facebook and Twitter branches of the Bull Terrier Monthly site, you might have noticed that I’ve also set up a BTM Youtube Channel as well. I’d just like to stress that this isn’t a channel just for me to put up my own promotional videos for the ‘Complete History’ product … presently all one of them!
What it does represent is a Bull Terrier video channel for ANYONE to use, by that I mean anyone who has a Bull Terrier related video can pass me a copy of the video and I’ll host it on this channel for them. Bull Terrier related means just that, it has to have a Bull Terrier in it – and I don’t just mean a video from a show.
If you do have a video from a show then great, of course they’re more than welcome as well – but it can be anything from a new litter of puppies, your dog playing in the garden, a little promo of your stud dog, an educational video – movement, whelping etc … basically you name it, if it has a Bull Terrier in it then it has a place on the BTM Youtube Channel.
You may already have your own Youtube Channel or other platform to host your videos – but you could still pass them to me, and in doing so double their exposure … just an idea?
So please keep it in mind, there is a Youtube Bull Terrier Video Channel all ready and set-up for you if you’d like to use it. I think I’m right in saying that the only restriction I have at present, is that videos can’t be over 15 minutes in length – as long as yours are under that they should be fine.
There are a few more details regarding Bull Terrier videos on the ‘Advertising’ page of this site, mainly in relation to videos I can produce for you – that might be something you’d be interested in at a later stage, so well worth a read when you get the time.
Any questions or queries at all, you know where I am – either e-mail me if you know the BTM address, or go to the Contact page and send your message from there.
Paul Johnstone – Bull Terrier Monthly