I have to confess straight from the start, this isn’t a judging critique. From time to time you do have trouble getting hold of the critique of a show and this is one of them – it usually turns out there isn’t a critique to start with, hence why you can’t find it anywhere! I don’t know if that is the case with this show, but if there is one I don’t know where it is?
But I’ll give you the next best thing, all the results and class placings from the Coloured Bull Terrier Club Open and Romany Trophy Show of November 2011, along with the sires and dams of all those placed in the Open Show. Not ideal but nonetheless better than nothing…
As ever, if you’d like to download a copy it couldn’t be easier, right-click on the file link below, select ‘Save Target As’ or ‘Save Link As’ from your menu, and save to somewhere on your computer.
From there you can do with it whatever you like, if you’d like to notify the social media crew of its existence you can use the handy little ‘share’ buttons above and below this post.
[membership_download_item_pdf link=”https://www.bullterriermonthly.com/downloads/critiques2011/colouredbtcnov2011.pdf” + target=”_self”]Coloured Bull Terrier Club Open & Trophy Show, November 2011 – Class Placings[/membership_download_item_pdf]