The Bull Terrier breed doesn’t start and stop in the show ring, indeed the bulk of the breed fanatics are pet owners who have no real interest in matters show related. However, one subject does tend to be of great interest to all owners and enthusiasts alike … breed history … where exactly do Bull Terriers originate?
If that is a topic that you’d like to look into then you’re in luck, because a new book published very recently covers that very question and looks at the origins of the breed and its early years, those very first dogs that were the descendants of every Bull Terrier we have seen since.
Titled ‘The Definitive Bull Terrier – From Puss To Gully’ – the book is written by Frank Dyson of the Tawnbarr kennel, and being the owner of a copy myself I can state it is a fascinating and comprehensive look at the breeds formative years and very well worth a read for anyone who has any interest in Bull Terriers.
For further details click on the link below…