The next brave soul to tackle a judging appointment was Tony Williams down at the Bull Terrier Club Of Wales Open Show of September 2014. Tony could be known for various things down the years, his involvement with the West Of England BTC and both the Hulabulloo and Karmara kennels – but as we can see he does also pop up as judge from time to time as well.
Tony’s critique is now available to download, if you’d like a copy just carry out the next few steps and you should have it in no time…
- Right-click on the download link below.
- Select ‘Save Target As’ or ‘Save Link As’ from the menu.
- Specify where you’d like to download the file to (e.g. Desktop, My Documents etc).
- Click on the ‘Save’ button.
- Wait for it to arrive.
* Note: These are instructions for desktop computers and laptops only; the procedure may be different for various mobile devices like the Smartphone or iPad.
Please feel free to circulate the document or inform others of where they can download it themselves – the Social Media buttons above and below will help with that.
[membership_download_item_pdf link=”” + target=”_self”]BTC Of Wales, September 2014 – Judging Critique[/membership_download_item_pdf]