At long last I’ve managed to clear the judging critiques from October 2011 and can now set about adding those from November – major progress or what? The first of which is Dai Hall’s view of his appointment up at the North East Bull Terrier Club Open Show.
You can download your own copy by right-clicking on the link below, choose ‘Save Target As’ or ‘Save Link As’ – and saving to your hard drive.
You are more than welcome to pass the file on to others, host it on your own website or use it in any other way that suits. Social Media share buttons can be used above or below this post if you’d like to alert your friends by that method.
Stay tuned, there’s more judging critiques to come in the near future…
[membership_download_item_pdf link=”” + target=”_self”]North East B.T.C. Open Show, November 2011 – Judging Critique[/membership_download_item_pdf]