Arguably, and indeed most probably in my mind, the most eagerly anticipated Bull Terrier event of the year is the Bull Terrier Club Trophy Show – and as such the list of dogs that are invited to take part is always a talking point.
The line-up for the coming event in February has been known for a while now, and maybe I should have released details at the time they were announced – but I thought I’d hold off and wait for the judges and referees to be confirmed before putting something together.
I’ve now done that and the resulting document is now available to download. Again, the chances are you are already aware of all the details within it, but if you’d like to have a document at hand that you can refer to easily instead of having to search through the Internet each time, then this is perhaps what you’re looking for.
That shouldn’t take too long at all by using the download link below – simply right-click on it, select ‘Save Target As’ or ‘Save Link As’ from the menu, and then just specify where you wish to download it to on your computer.
Once you have it you may circulate it as you see fit, pass it on to whoever you like or even use it on your own website if you like. Similarly if you have friends on Social Media sites that you think might find it useful, please don’t hesitate to notify them by using the ‘share’ buttons above or below…
[membership_download_item_pdf link=”” + target=”_self”]Bull Terrier Club Trophy Show Line-Up 2013[/membership_download_item_pdf]