Time to take a break from trying to catch-up with the critiques, and I think a very good time to give you another mystery Bull Terrier to try and identify – indeed the third one after the two featured previously, Ch. Foyri Verify and Ch. Jobrula Jacobinia.
After two dogs this one had to be a bitch – so there’s your first clue – but hopefully this one will prove a bit more difficult to name?
I’m going to keep the clues pretty vague in the hope that I don’t give it away, yet at the same time she would be extremely hard to identify from the photograph alone. All I’ll say is – ‘she’s part of the foundations of one of the biggest kennels’.
That’s all you’re getting, I want to try and beat the Bull Terrier people and find a dog that proves very hard to recognise. Hopefully this one is it and short of seeing the exact same photograph elsewhere I think this is quite a difficult one.
But if you feel you know who she is or you’d like to have a guess, please be my guest – I’ll be back in a week or so to identify her…
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