Time to name the last mystery Bull Terrier from a week or so ago…
I said that he was a very successful boy in his day and I gave an extra clue by saying the photograph used was not the most famous one of the dog in question. Incidentally many thanks to Lowisa Grieves for giving me a copy of her photograph.
When I said he was very successful I meant he was VERY successful, as in a Regent Trophy Winner. The clue about the photograph relates to a very famous photograph of him in several publications, a photograph that shows him front on and particularly his exceptional muzzle power.
That may have gave the game away with one or two who managed to identify him rather quickly – especially on the BTM Facebook Page. Well done to them, indeed well done to anyone else who named him correctly.
For those who didn’t, he was one of the two great brothers to emerge from the Kenway’s Jobrulu Kennel – and this one was Ch. Jobrulu Jacobinia.
If you haven’t seen the ‘famous’ photograph of him just Google his name and I’m sure you’ll find it pretty quickly. If there is one thing the breed could do with right now it is more animals with Jacobinia’s muzzle power.
I’ll try to dig up another mystery guest in the future – I’m determined to find one that nobody can identify!