There are a handful of huge events in the Bull Terrier breed around the world and the annual Silverwood over in the United States is undoubtedly one of them. I’ve managed to get the Silverwood 2012 results together and with Melissa McConnell very kindly supplying a great photograph for use, I have enough to put together a little ‘Silverwood feature’.
In fact I’ve already done it and it is now freely available to download from this site, so if it sounds like something you’d like to have – please be my guest.
Getting a copy couldn’t be easier, simply park your mouse over the link below, right-click on it and select ‘Save Target As’ or ‘Save Link As’ – and then just choose where on your hard drive you wish to save it to.
If you’d like to circulate it amongst any American enthusiasts that you may know you are more than welcome to do so – indeed it would be a big help to me in trying to promote the BTM sites to a bigger audience. With that in mind please don’t hesitate to send news of it all around the likes of Facebook and Twitter etc via the buttons above and below … thanks!
[membership_download_item_pdf link=”” + target=”_self”]Silverwood 2012[/membership_download_item_pdf]